Western Morning News

‘Safety critical’ repairs on bridge road


REPAIRS described as ‘safety critical’ are set to be carried out next week on one of the main roads out of Exeter.

Recent inspection­s of the Swing Bridge, which carries outbound traffic on the A379, on Bridge Road, have found that the ends of the two main steel beams of the structure have suffered corrosion and these corroded sections need to be replaced.

Devon County Council has therefore decided they need to carry out essential repairs to the bridge, with work set to begin on Monday.

The council has previously admitted that the bridge is approachin­g the end of its serviceabl­e life and would require ‘renewal’ within 10 years.

To enable the essential work to be undertaken, the Swing Bridge will be moved to its open position for extended periods and contraflow arrangemen­ts will be introduced over the Bascule Bridge.

This temporary road layout will be in place 24 hours a day, including weekends, throughout the duration of the roadworks scheme.

Cllr Stuart Hughes, Devon County Council cabinet member for highway management, said: “The corrosion to the steel means this safety critical work needs to be carried out as soon as possible.

“This kind of scheme, on such a busy route, would normally be carried out overnight but due to the lighter traffic flows during the current lockdown, work can be undertaken in the daytime using contraflow traffic management.

“Site staff will be following social distancing guidelines, and daytime working should help the progress of the scheme. Every effort will be made to complete this work ahead of schedule.”

Repairs will be carried out from Monday, April 27, to Friday, May 15, and for the safety of the public and site workers, the speed limit along Bridge Road will be reduced from 40mph to 30mph.

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