Western Morning News

Stone search proves a winner

Determined to spread joy and plenty of smiles amid the coronaviru­s crisis, Chris Matthews reports how one family’s creative idea has been a big hit in their local community


AFAMILY from Cornwall has designed their own NHS themed stone search to help amuse young children out and about for their daily exercise.

The Russell family, from Helston, have decorated stones from their drive and hidden them around the Osborne Parc area of the town.

Husband Tom, wife Georgina and their two children, Orla and Bowen, painted a total of 200 stones with the hashtag #NHS before stashing them out of view.

“We would love to spread some joy at this horrible time,” Georgina commented. “Myself, husband and two children decorated 200 stones from our drive with the hashtag NHS and hid them up Osborne Parc.

“It took off so quickly and we’ve had hundreds of messages and shares on Instagram and Facebook.

“We are adding hundreds more stones over the next coming weeks in a bid to make people smile and give the local children something fun to look for.

“We have asked people to tag us on Instagram @life_at_number17 so we can see how many have been found.”

The Russell family put 200 stones out on Thursday, April 16, a great deal of which have already been found. Georgina added: “Tom thought of the idea, people are always painting stones and so we thought it would be a bit of fun for everyone, especially the kids.

“We put 200 out yesterday [April 16] so many have gone already and we’ve watched loads of people stop to read the sign. People in cars have been stopping too. We’re adding another 50 today [April 17] and will keep adding until it slows down. We thought it would be a nice keep sake for people.” The sign asks people to take one stone per person, and once found and not to re-hide any to stop the potential spread of germs.

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 ??  ?? > Orla and Bowen Russell, left, ready to hide some of the 200 stones they, along with their parents, have decorated by hand in honour of the NHS
> Orla and Bowen Russell, left, ready to hide some of the 200 stones they, along with their parents, have decorated by hand in honour of the NHS

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