Western Morning News

The things they say


“The upside of being the first country in the world to develop a successful vaccine is so huge that I am throwing everything at it”

– Health Secretary Matt

Hancock. “The numbers are varying day to day but they remain high and we remain in a situation of danger that we must take very seriously indeed”

– Professor Jonathan Van-Tam, deputy chief medical officer

for England. “I believe that there’s no place better than Yorkshire. There never has been and all the people who are missing coming to Yorkshire, they’re missing an awful lot of marvellous things and people, because the Yorkshire people have a sense of humour and kindness that not many people have, to the extent that we have”

– Veteran fundraiser Captain Tom Moore, 99, as he opened NHS Nightingal­e Hospital Yorkshire and the Humber. “Lives have been lost, economies are shrinking, and livelihood­s have been shattered. It is difficult to predict what the new normal will look like”

– Commonweal­th SecretaryG­eneral Baroness Patricia

Scotland after the 26th Commonweal­th Heads of Government Meeting was

postponed. “The NHS has been there for me from the day I was born. Throughout my life, me personally, they saved my life, which I won’t go into too much. For the lives of my loved ones and my family, you know, I would be without multiple members of my family and I mean close, close family if it weren’t for the work of the NHS”

– Actor James McAvoy. “Communicat­ing with those people that you’re living with is hugely important, and having something every day to look forward to, part of your daily routine that you can enjoy, that helps break it up, that helps you get through this difficult time”

– Astronaut Tim Peake suggests ways to cope with

isolation. “In effect I’ve been orphaned, yes. Even though my mum is still alive I do feel like I, yes, I am quite an orphan now”

– Absolutely Fabulous star Jane Horrocks whose mother is living with Alzheimer’s disease and is unable to recognise her

or care for herself.

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> James McAvoy, Tim Peake and Jane Horrocks

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