Western Morning News

They are certainly not honorable gentlemen


PRESUMABLY when first coined, the term ‘honourable gentleman,’ employed to this day in parliament, was intended as a token of respect and not to be delivered with a raised eyebrow and a cynical sneer. It needs to be abolished now.

Dominic Cummings has severed any possibilit­y of being considered honourable, and by defending him, so has Boris Johnson. All of us know that Cummings’ position is indefensib­le. It can’t be defended – there’s no excuse or valid reason for his behaviour. The thinking that prompted him is simply that he feels superior to the rest of us, and exempt from the rules that he himself helped to impose. No-one can now respect him, most of us despise him, and he should leave our government.

But unbelievab­ly Boris has exonerated him, and I bet he will remain in office. How awful it is that even now, in this time of huge national crisis, we have a government that we can’t trust and which patently feels that they are different from and better than the rest of us. I hope that no-one votes for this government in the future.

Surely somewhere in Britain there must people of integrity who could do the job? People of honour. Not Boris and Dominic Cummings.

Viv and Greg Martin Crediton

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