Western Morning News

Breach animal ban and farmer told: ‘Jail is next’

- CHRIS MATTHEWS chris.matthews@reachplc.com

ACORNISH farmer has been banned from keeping animals for ten years after inspectors found a variety of under-fed farm animals being kept in squalid conditions.

Arthur Jasper, 74, of South Hill, Callington, was handed the ban when he appeared for sentence at Bodmin Magistrate­s’ Court.

On March 4 this year, officers from Cornwall Council’s Animal Health Team and a vet from Defra visited Jasper’s farm. They discovered most of the animals were kept in unacceptab­le conditions.

Jasper was sentenced after pleading guilty to:

Failing to provide adequate care to a calf with an infected ear

Failing to protect cattle from dangerous objects

Failing to investigat­e the reasons for emaciation in young cattle

Failing to control a rat infestatio­n Failing to provide clean water, bedding or perches to poultry

Kevin Hill prosecuted for Cornwall Council and informed the court that many of the housed young cattle were very thin and stunted and yet had no feed.

He said some cattle that appeared to be six months old were in fact 17 months old.

One calf had an infected ear, pus could be seen oozing from the infection, yet Jasper had merely sprayed the ear with antiseptic rather than treating it with an antibiotic.

The outdoor cattle also had access to scrap and collapsed fencing from which they could have been injured.

Poultry were shut in a muddy pen with filthy water and had no clean bedding. Rat runs and footprints were seen all over the farm, and yet Jasper had not attempted to control their numbers.

Barry Hilliard, representi­ng Jasper, informed the court that the wet weather had caused the poultry runs to get waterlogge­d, and that Jasper had attempted to treat the thin calves, the infected ear and control the rats, but clearly had not tried hard enough.

Furthermor­e he had very little income and was dependant on his pension to be able to finance the farm.

The court heard that Jasper had previous conviction­s in 2018 for similar offences. The district judge gave credit for the early guilty plea and genuine remorse, however felt that Jasper was no longer capable of running a farm.

Due to the previous conviction­s, Jasper was banned from keeping and owning farm animals for ten years, and warned that if he breached the ban he would be sent to prison.

Mr Jasper also had to pay a fine of £225, a victim surcharge of £32 and £100 towards the Council’s costs.

Jane Tomlinson, head of Trading Standards for Cornwall Council, said “Mr Jasper was born and raised on his farm, but as he advanced in age he became unable to properly care for his animals. Over the years, the Council and Defra have provided him with considerab­le advice, but it was ignored.”

Councillor Rob Nolan, Cornwall Council’s portfolio holder for Public Protection, said: “Where officers find repeated non-compliance or a complete disregard for farm animal welfare, the Council will take formal action to protect animals and the reputation of the Cornish farming industry.”

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