Western Morning News

Priti attacks ‘hooligans and thugs’ in protest movements


HOME Secretary Priti Patel used her speech to Tory members to take aim at the tactics of Black Lives Matter and Extinction Rebellion protesters, as she criticised the “hooliganis­m and thuggery” seen on the country’s streets.

Social media video clips showed police in Westminste­r having objects hurled at them by anti-racist campaigner­s earlier this year, while a statue of Sir Winston Churchill had to be boarded up to protect it from vandalism during the Black Lives Matter protests.

In Bristol, those taking to the streets as part of the protests, sparked by the death of George Floyd in the United States, tore down a statue of Edward Colston, who made his wealth through the slave trade.

There was also widespread condemnati­on last month when Extinction Rebellion climate-change protesters blockaded the printing presses of national newspapers.

Ms Patel, addressing the virtual Conservati­ve Party conference yesterday, said there was “no excuse” for the behaviour shown. She said police had the “backing of the Government, backing of our party and our Prime Minister” in their efforts to police the demonstrat­ions.

She told members: “This Government will always defend the right to protest. That right is a fundamenta­l pillar of our democracy, but the hooliganis­m and thuggery we have seen is not – it is indefensib­le.

“There is no excuse for pelting flares at brave police officers, for throwing bikes at police horses, for disrespect­ing the Cenotaph or vandalisin­g the statue of Sir Winston Churchill, one of the greatest protectors of our freedoms who has ever lived. It is not acceptable for mobs to tear down statues and cause criminal damage across our streets, and it is not acceptable for thugs to assault our police officers, just for doing their job.”

She said the Government had already agreed to double the maximum sentence for assaults on emergency workers and confirmed she was working with chief constables to ensure their officers “have the tools, support and the powers they need” to police such incidents.

Ms Patel also paid tribute to “hero” Pc Andrew Harper, who died when he became entangled in a tow rope as he tried to stop quad-bike thieves, and Sergeant Matt Ratana, who was shot as he prepared to search a suspect who was handcuffed.

She vowed to work with Pc Harper’s widow, Lissie Harper, to “ensure anyone who kills an emergency worker gets the sentence they deserve”.

In an announceme­nt briefed beforehand to the media, the Home Secretary also committed to delivering “the biggest overhaul of our asylum system in decades”.

She said she would “explore all practical measures and options to deter illegal migration”.

 ?? Leon Neal ?? > Home Secretary Priti Patel spoke last night to the Conservati­ve Party’s digital conference
Leon Neal > Home Secretary Priti Patel spoke last night to the Conservati­ve Party’s digital conference

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