Western Morning News

Fans give backing to Camara


THE Green Army have rallied behind Plymouth Argyle midfielder Panutche Camara after he issued a public apology for his performanc­e in the 5-1 defeat at Fleetwood Town.

Camara was taken off by Pilgrims’ boss Ryan Lowe in only the 11th minute of the game against Fleetwood.

Argyle were already trailing 2-0 and Camara had been at fault for the first one, and was being pressured by opposing players every time he was on the ball.

Lowe took the decision to replace him with Tyrese Fornah, who went into a midfield holding role, allowing Conor Grant to move further forward.

Camara was visibly distraught as Lowe put a consoling arm around him after he left the pitch.

The 23-year-old, a summer signing from Crawley Town, later posted a message to the Green Army on Twitter.

He tweeted to his 2,100 followers: “Today was one of those bad days which happens to everyone.

“Head up and think positive for the next one. Sorry for the poor performanc­e.”

His apology led to a flood of replies from Argyle fans, who all offered their support to Camara, who was born in the West African country of Guinea-Bissau.

Jamie Halpin echoed the sentiments of many when he replied: “Don’t say sorry. You have been a breath of fresh air.

“You are a fantastic player and have played excellent this season. Bad day at the office, you are only human.”

The midfielder was not the only Pilgrims’ player to apologise to the Green Army after the heavy defeat at Fleetwood.

Striker Frank Nouble, who played the whole match, said the next game, at Peterborou­gh United tomorrow night, could not come soon enough.

Nouble tweeted after the match: “Horrendous afternoon. ‘Bad’ won’t justify the performanc­e and result, we let club, fans, staff and ourselves down there.”

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