Western Morning News

Cornwall Council is seeking renewable electricit­y feedback


RESIDENTS of Cornwall are being asked to have their say on plans to help generate more renewable electricit­y in the county.

It is the latest step in work on the Climate Emergency Developmen­t Plan Document (DPD), which is part of Cornwall Council’s plans to address climate change and become carbon neutral by 2030.

The Council declared a climate emergency in 2019 and recognises that its planning policies – covering what can be built, where, and how – have a major impact on the way that places grow and change, helping to protect and shape the Cornwall of the future.

The aim is to make sure that future developmen­t is sustainabl­e and helps to address climate change in every aspect of its design and constructi­on.

Work has been going on to propose suitable sites for renewable energy generation and that can now be shared so that residents, businesses and other stakeholde­rs across Cornwall can give their views.

Tim Dwelly, the Council’s Portfolio Holder for Culture, Economy and Planning, said: “What we build and how we build it can play a major part in our overall climate change aims.

“That’s why this DPD is so important – it will help us build in requiremen­ts for the future to make sure new developmen­ts play their part in the overall picture.

“Renewable energy will be crucial, which is why the chance to look at these possible sites for wind turbines is baone that people should take to help us get it right.”

Feedback can be given via Cornwall Council’s website, or by email at climateeme­rgencydpd@cornwall. gov.uk

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