Western Morning News

Thoughtles­s people who ignore the rules


THIS morning we returned to town to replenish our cupboards after a very peaceful Christmas. We set off early but found our usual store (M&S) quite busy.

In the first aisles we felt the crush around us. There was very little space at all. Apparently I was fortunate, as most of the people

I met as I shopped were very thoughtful and polite. As an 80-yearold, this was so good to find; an equally elderly friend had the most awful time as people pushed into her without a thought of the care we should be taking. She asked a member of the staff to broadcast an appeal for people to give people their space. It was not pleasant.

On our journey home, we approached traffic lights and I was shocked to see two cars accelerate as the lights began their sequence from green to red, on amber they accelerate­d through them. This was just past the sign asking people to be careful, to think of the NHS, being thoughtful of their workload at this time. In about three hours, we saw people completely ignoring all we have been asked to do.

Why, when the situation is getting worse, have the rules slackened? When will it sink in to so many people’s minds? The virus is becoming frightenin­gly worse. We need to become more aware of all we need to do to defeat it, to show more respect for each other and give each other space, and cut down on our speed on the roads so we don’t add to the NHS workload. Thought for others will help so much.

Mrs Sheila Moston Ilfracombe, North Devon

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