Western Morning News

Yesterday's Solutions


CIRCLEGRAM: The letter represente­d by the question mark is R. Crevasse, moraine, glacier, all geological features.

CLOCKWORD: 1 Divert, 2 Ernest, 3 Bonnet, 4 Robert, 5 Absent, 6 Molest, 7 Eldest, 8 Select, 9 Secret, 10 Inmost, 11 Nugget, 12 Gambit. CELEBRITY: Debra Messing.

MINDBENDER­S: A: Charlie 42 years old (Pam

30, Bill 7). B: Susie 13 years old (Mike 18). CHESS: 1. ..... Qxg1+ 2. Kxg1 Ne2+ 3. Kh1 Nf2 mate.

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