Western Morning News

Trump has brought shame on his office


I HAD not though it possible that anything could have been more sickening than watching and listening to Trump inciting his fascist rabble to rebellion on Wednesday, but his patently insincere condemnati­on, two days later, of the bloody invasion of the Capitol, for which he was entirely to blame, was even more so.

Trump has brought nothing but shame on the high office for which he was and is, totally unfit, from the day he set foot in the White House.

To paraphrase Franklin D Roosevelt: “The sixth of January, 2021, is a day that will live in infamy”.

The 45th and arguably worst President of what was, until he took office, the world’s greatest democracy, is not only an illeducate­d, narcissist­ic, deluded, liar and cheat – but a coward to boot.

Lighting the fuse of Wednesday’s insurrecti­on, he encouraged his baying mob of ultra-right wing fanatics to march on the Capitol – promising that he would be alongside them as they did so.

But instead, he scuttled away and hid, so as not to be involved in the violence that he had instigated.

Even that reviled American traitor, Arnold Bennett, had the courage to fight – unlike Trump who used every ruse in the book to avoid being drafted to serve his country during the Vietnam War, in which almost 50,000 of his countrymen died.

Far from ‘making America great again’ (his tired mantra) – he has belittled his country in the eyes of the world and given encouragem­ent to the enemies of freedom and democracy everywhere.

If there is any justice, he WILL be impeached, prosecuted and made to pay for betraying his country.

Robert Readman


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