Western Morning News



A: "4450." Steve repeated the number. "That's an interestin­g one. It's the square of one less than its first half, added to the square of one more than its second half."

Charlie looked at the boy's working. "You're right," he said. "43 squared plus 51 squared, does make 4450. See if you can find any other four figure numbers that work that way."

You try!

B: "Then it's settled. We each contribute that amount for Bill's present," Harry declared. "But first let's settle our debts to each other."

Tom smiled. "Okay, including my share that will cost me £31 in all," he replied. "I owe you £15, but Jack's in debt to both of us."

Jack took out his wallet. "Here s £44. That clears me." Harry checked the amount. "Fine, and what I get exactly pays my share."

How much would each contribute?

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