Western Morning News

Sparing farmers’ blushes with better online search

- Athwenna.irons@reachplc.com

CONVERSATI­ONS held over many a farmhouse table will likely have included mentions of ‘artificial inseminati­on’, ‘embryo transfer’ or ‘sexed semen’.

All part and parcel of day-to-day life for the region’s most progressiv­e dairy and livestock farmers. Nothing to snigger about.

But type any of the above into Google and you’ll be provided with a somewhat colourful list of results, and unlikely will it be what that herdsman or woman was looking for.

Recognisin­g the barriers for an industry trying to keep pace with digital advances, Cornish software company SimSage has revolution­ised the way website search tools can be used by farming businesses and organisati­ons, and better connect farmers with the informatio­n they need.

It has developed a downloadab­le plug-in website search function, which uses artificial intelligen­ce to understand agricultur­e’s specialise­d, but completely natural, language.

“In industry, natural language is the use and interpreta­tion of words and phrases that are specific to that sector,” said Sean Wilson, managing director and co-founder of SimSage, based in Truro.

“Type AI into any popular search engine and ‘Artificial Intelligen­ce’ will dominate the search results received – even when it is combined with the word ‘agricultur­e’ – but standard search functions aren’t configured to the broad range of agricultur­al language.”

The developmen­t comes as, when looking at farmers’ web use, Duchy College’s Rural Business School (RBS) found that farmers are online to find important informatio­n, with Government websites most frequent in those searches.

Additional­ly, finding informatio­n is often hindered by inadequate search engines – with participan­ts calling for a ‘Farmers Google’.

The informatio­n gained through the RBS survey highlighte­d an opportunit­y for SimSage to adapt its original software. Mr Wilson said: “SimSage started up in May 2019 with our core product – software aimed at streamlini­ng a business’s internal informatio­n storage and sourcing. While the original software has been successful­ly implemente­d in agri-business already, including Glas Data’s knowledge base and data connect platform, we could see our core technology tackling challenges raised through the RBS survey.”

With the help of grant funding through Agri-Tech Cornwall and the Cornwall Developmen­t Company, SimSage has brought in a range of partners to speed up the roll-out of this technology, including Farming Health Hub to enable greater access to informatio­n covering multiple farming topics from a wide range of sources, in one place.

Once configured, the plug-in uses artificial intelligen­ce to understand farming language and searches, from which frequently asked questions can be automated.

This means that farmers can type in a question or keywords into the Hub’s search tool and quickly find specific informatio­n, no matter how they pose their query.

 ?? SimSage ?? > Online searches can throw up all kinds of results for farmers
SimSage > Online searches can throw up all kinds of results for farmers

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