Western Morning News



A: "When I'm as old as Betty was when you were twice as old as I was," Linda told her teenaged brother, "Betty will be twice as old as you are now."

"That's right," Tom replied. "And when Betty was twice as old as I was, you were a third as old as I am now."

Of course they had both ignored odd months in the ages.

How old was Betty?

B: My Magic Square is an arrangemen­t of consecutiv­e positive numbers in a 4x4 square array. Each row, each column, and each of the two diagonals adds up to the same Magic Total. That's just one less than five times the smallest number in the array.

What must that smallest number be?

Exeter Cathedral: closed for public worship; still open for personal prayer.

Services today: 9am Morning Prayer (Zoom); 5pm Evening Prayer (Zoom)

Truro Cathedral is closed. see www.trurocathe­dral.org.uk facebook: @TruroCathe­dral email: info@trurocathe­dral.org.uk

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