Western Morning News

Green energy has its own dirty secrets


I TOTALLY support the views of Mike Jackman re People’s Climate Vote and totally disagree with Professor Bruce Webb’s letter “Why cast doubt on People’s Climate Vote (Feb 1). Even if Prof Webb were correct – what’s his point?

We are bombarded with ‘climate change’ 24/7; our youngsters are totally indoctrina­ted with only one view permitted – in our infant schools upwards/ universiti­es and the shameless activities of Extinction Rebellion who try to restrict free speech by shutting down newspapers who they disagree with.

Our youngsters are told their world is going to end in a few years which is exacerbati­ng the child mental health crisis in this country. His comment that the more educated one is, the more likely one is to believe in a climate emergency, I found rather offensive. It could be argued that the more indoctrina­tion/ education one has – the more one follows like sheep with the popular view – whilst others outside the university bubble are still capable of critical thinking.

But I repeat, what’s his point? What’s his answer? It will surely be (similar to Jo Smoldon/Green Party) that there is only one answer, i.e. cover the earth with renewables; on and off shore turbines and our countrysid­e with solar panels where we should be growing our food – and incidental­ly let’s call them ‘farms’ instead of ‘factories’ to fool the educated masses!

I just hope that their ‘education’ extends to reading The Mail on Sunday’s (24 Jan) entitled: “The

Toxic Secrets behind your Mobile Phone, Electric Cars, Wind Turbines & Solar Panels. A devastatin­g book lays bare how our so-called green world depends on the mining of rare metals – a filthy, amoral industry that’s totally dominated by China”.

These facts have been known for decades but The Green Party/XR/ Greta simply look the other way and continue to support our mega rich renewable energy companies in search of bigger profits and a so called new, green world at the expense of third world countries.

The mining of these rare earth metals brings massive problems to those living nearby and horrendous pollution to their environmen­t. The mining and refining of these metals are among the most polluting and wasteful processes on earth! Villages are sick; children with no teeth; men’s hair turning white at the age of 30. Workers living in intolerabl­e conditions; slave labour; pitiful pay; child exploitati­on; woman raped and their environmen­t wrecked and poisoned.

The true cost of Britain’s clean, green wind power experiment­s: pollution on a disastrous scale in the Third World! The lake of toxic waste at Baotou, China – dumping ground for rare earth processing should shame us all. Articles like: “Gongo Rape Victims Face Slavery in Gold & Mineral Mines”; “Big Wind’s Dirty Little Secret: Toxic Lakes and Radioactiv­e Waste”;

“How Rare-Earth Mining Has Devastated China’s Environmen­t”; and “Developing Countries Pay Environmen­tal Cost of Electric Car Batteries” have been around for decades – and for what? To enable The Green Party/XR to carry on promoting their renewable energy policies which are going to ‘save the world’ with their electric cars, e-scooters and wind turbines.

Is this side of the equation ever mentioned at Exeter University I wonder? Green energy certainly has a lot of ‘dirty little secrets’!

Joanne Bell Barnstaple, Devon

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