Western Morning News

Grieving family want tough action on drivers who flee crash scenes


A GRIEVING family has launched a new campaign for dangerous driving reforms after a father of one was struck and left to die in the road.

Ryan Saltern, 31, of Probus, was on the B3267, making his way to a party following the St Teath carnival on July 28, 2019, when he was hit by a car and left for dead.

Ryan was lying down at the time he was struck, but it is not known why.

The driver did not stop, leaving the father-of-one to die. He also failed to report the accident to the police the following day.

Wayne Shilling, 39, of Delabole, appeared at Bodmin Magistrate­s’ Court in August of last year. He pleaded guilty to failing to stop and failing to report an accident and received a four-month jail sentence, suspended for a year.

Shilling was also disqualifi­ed from driving for 12 months, given an evening curfew for four months and ordered to pay a £207 victim surcharge and prosecutio­n costs.

Ryan’s family said that the outcome was the best they could expect due to the sentencing options that are available to magistrate­s for the crime committed.

Since the court case Ryan’s family has dedicated themselves to supporting a petition calling for a change in the law that would mean hit-and-run offenders would receive custodial sentences which cannot be suspended.

The petition exceeded the 100,000 signatures required and the matter will be debated in Parliament.

Now, Ryan’s family have launched a new petition, Ryan’s Law, calling for a widening of the definition of causing death by dangerous driving and a minimum 10 year sentence.

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