Western Morning News

Police were only upholding the law


WHY is there so much criticism of Cressida Dicks? She does not make the laws, she is paid to uphold laws passed in our democratic parliament. The police cannot be selective in which laws they choose to follow.

These protesters – or rabble whichever way you look at them – were breaking the law, and as much as the police are criticised in the press no one has an answer to the problem of demonstrat­ions now that Covid restrictio­ns are in force.

If the demonstrat­ors on Clapham Common are not fined, then people such as Piers Corbyn and his anti-vaccine supporters cannot be prosecuted. I am no big fan of Cressida Dicks but her police force is in an invidious position because they have to uphold the law. Also, did these demonstrat­ors give one thought to the fact that while police were tied up on Clapham Common, women were in danger in other parts of London?

I have three daughters and grandchild­ren, and they are always told there is safety in numbers, male or female, and to use taxis if possible at night. Parliament can pass all the laws it likes, but it cannot eradicate evil – the Peter Sutcliffes, Fred Wests and Harold Shipmans will always be there. I don’t know if any of the demonstrat­ors contacted Sarah Everard’s family, but surely they need time to grieve in peace, and the best way to help would be for all of them to donate £200 to a charity such as a women’s refuge, which will do some good, instead of the possibilit­y of spreading Covid-19 to others in the crowd.

Keith Wheeler Yeovil

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