Western Morning News

The Brain Teaser



1. Makes a mistake in giving the fielder a drink (5,2)

5. Or during breaks in holiday spots (7)

9. Was carried round, for show (5)

10. A member of the teaching fraternity is my hunch (9)

11. Grants it could be a tailless swallow (6) 12. Is shimmering, first, in the valleys (8)

14. Not having saved one's energy? (5) 15. Rehearsed the act with the spider crawling round (9)

18. Sack the church when Edgar is tied up outside (9)

20. The salesman with the felt-tips having gone, drive away (5)

22. Guards the caves (4-4)

24. Except for the sextet that was entertaini­ng outside (6)

26. Able to top me, anyway, in money (9) 27. There's a note on the can in a foreign language (5)

28. Runs, catching the foreign boys (7)

29. Before I enter, rearrangin­g a course (7)


1. Was better to dress up, as a disguise (9) 2. Find leaving the top off the glue to be distorted humour (7)

3. Stay to look at a counter in the sports shop (4-5)

4. It holds the water for one about to wash up (4)

5. Was revenged when I later upped and changed the date (10)

6. Doesn't take in the refuse containers (5) 7. One's helpers get right on top of the attackers (7)

8. The snow on the tips delights one (5)

13. Dull as an unsuccessf­ul seance is (10)

16. Jack takes the man in under cover (9) 17. Applicatio­n for transport (9)

19. Was in anything but a sunny mood! (7) 21. That's a clue, pet (7)

22. See California as someone who lives there (5)

23. Fat orders being increased by a quarter (5) 25. Girl, there's a T in “mount”! (4)

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