Western Morning News

The Brain Teaser

No. 8,682



1. “Tut”, I say twice, “don't go” (4,4)

5. Speak about smuggling in an Eastern drug (6)

9. And in France, Lester may be about to find a new home (8)

10. Stay over, chief (6)

12. Is amused when Augustus and Hal get mixed up (6)

13. Attacking and rescuing about fifty (8)

15. Have everybody know what pate is (6,6) 18. That is to say, paraphrase­d (2,5,5)

23. Backed and got the cart tangled up in the grass (8)

24. Let you know if it's back bone (6)

26. Nearly all producing fruit (6)

27. Besides what the ferryman would take with extra journeys (8)

28. Leave the day the trees are knocked down (6)

29. On the quiet, book keepers do so (8)


1. Go off with the dog and the Cockney's held back (6)

2. Make a blunder that requires prompt correction (6)

3. Does it help a slow diner to become quicker? (7)

4. The distance I figure, myself, to cover (4) 6. We take the blame for the straying of the animal (3-4)

7. Or it's put back in the dish for evening (4-4) 8. Misread the name of the man turned in as defector (8)

11. Passes over to Hophead and Son (5,2)

14. Are mustered then to turn out and cheer (7) 16. Reflected that on the road the car rode strangely (8)

17. Holds the money Nat changed inside (8) 19. About to compete, we're told, with a greater handicap (7)

20. Hiding right among the various woods (7) 21. Bend the meat slice (6)

22. A number on the outside look fast (6)

25. Turn in because it's early in the morning (4)


ACROSS: 1 Lightened; 6 Bower; 9 Again; 10 Observing; 11 The Cold War; 12 Pete; 14 Probity; 15 Totters; 17 Seethes; 19 Reputed; 20 East; 22 Street name; 25 On the trot; 26 Icing; 27 Fence; 28 Strollers.

DOWN: 1 Least; 2 Grace note; 3 Ten to eight; 4 Noonday; 5 Distant; 6 Bark; 7 Whine; 8 Regressed; 13 Stop at will; 14 Passed off; 16 Extradite; 18 Sutures; 19 Re-enter; 21 Satan; 23 Edges; 24 Peke.

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