Western Morning News

‘Developers’ charter’ big loss to democracy


REBECCA Bartleet of Devon CPRE (13 May) was correct in suggesting the proposed planning bill will create over-developmen­t for the sole benefit of the big housing developers.

The proposals also represent a massive loss to local democracy.

The present planning legislatio­n has been in existence since 1948, so why does Boris Johnson say he wants to ‘tear it down and start again’?

In order to make life easier for developers, there will be no public consultati­on of detailed design at planning permission stage: consultati­on will only take place at local plan stage.

The Royal Institute of British Architects described the proposals in the White Paper as ‘shameful’.

The Town and Country Planning Associatio­n described them as ‘disruptive’, given that 90% of present planning applicatio­ns are approved, and that there are about a million existing unbuilt permission­s.

The proposals have been described as a ‘developers’ charter’.

It must be remembered that the bill is being brought forward by Tory MP Robert Jenrick, who was forced to rescind a planning permission which he had unlawfully granted to a developer so that the developer could benefit to the tune of £45m.

The developer is, of course, a donor to the Tory party.

Is it too cynical to suggest that the £11 million given to the Conservati­ve Party by developers since Boris Johnson became Prime Minister has influenced these proposals?

Mike Baldwin Thorverton, Devon

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