Western Morning News

Ferry firm thanks Macron for vital funding injection

- WILLIAM TELFORD william.telford@reachplc.com

CROSS-CHANNEL operator Brittany Ferries has received a 45million-euro bail-out from the French government to help it recover from losses caused by Covidrelat­ed travel restrictio­ns.

The company, which has its UK headquarte­rs in Plymouth, saw revenue sink by 267million euros as the pandemic slashed passenger numbers to 752,102 in 2020 from 2,498,354 in 2019.

Despite receiving 117m euros in French government-backed loans from French banks, and other regional support across the Channel, the company still needed more support.

It has now been bailed out with “exceptiona­l aid” of 45m euros and has thanked French President Emmanuel Macron for coming to the company’s aid.

Brittany Ferries said that for more than a year it had warned the French state of its deteriorat­ing financial situation as it battled the Brexit and Covid crises.

In particular, the closure of passenger services on the English Channel, a direct consequenc­e of travel restrictio­ns put in place by various European government­s to control the Covid pandemic, had a huge impact.

Support first came to the company in 2020 in the form of government­backed loans issued by French banks to the tune of €117m.

The company was further supported by the regions of Brittany and Normandy. It was therefore able to rely on its resilience for nearly two years, in the face of the “double storm” of Brexit and Covid.

However, significan­t accumulate­d losses made it impossible to resort to further loans to guarantee a return to growth.

Brittany Ferries, which is the largest employer of French sailors as well as being a vector of economic and tourist developmen­t of the Brittany and Normandy regions, said it had no other recourse than seek reimbursem­ent for the damage suffered as a direct consequenc­e of the forced closure of passenger services.

Jean-Marc Roué, president of Brittany Ferries, said: “Since the spring of 2020, I have relentless­ly warned the French government of the need for specific support for our sector, on cross-channel services. So I would particular­ly like to thank the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, for the warm support for our company and our seafarers announced, forcefully, at the Assises de la Mer last September, at the conclusion of the Fontenoy du Maritime, as well as the Prime Minister, Jean

Castex.” He added: “Thanks to them, our company has regained the equity necessary for its recovery. After the time of resilience comes the time of competitiv­eness.”

French-owned Brittany Ferries was launched in 1972 and started operation in January 1973. It now employs 2,474 people and runs 12 vessels between France, Spain and Ireland and Plymouth and Portsmouth in the UK.

But it saw revenue dip to 202.4m euros in 2020, from 469m euros the year before, as the pandemic hit passenger services. Freight was less badly affected during the pandemic with 160,377 vehicles carried in 2020, compared to 201,554 in 2019.

In October 2020, the company predicted a freight boost and in September 2021 world-leading shipping company CMA CGM Group announced a 25million-euro investment in Brittany Ferries.

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