What's on TV

The Secret Life of 5 Year Olds

As The Secret Life of 5 Year Olds returns, a new class of children face some interestin­g challenges…


Everyone knows five-yearolds can be cheeky, but do they understand the difference between right and wrong? To find out, we return to the Secret Life nursery this week where a group of children is set tasks to test their morals!

‘The children are entering a key stage morally,’ says Dr Elizabeth

Kilbey, who’s observing the dramas with Professor Paul Howard-Jones. ‘We want to explore how they see right from wrong.’

It kicks off with Jasmin, Ella, Luke H, Luke B, Iris and Elsa being given a cheating test. If they roll the dice and get a double six, they win a jellybean – after 44 seconds Jasmin is bending the rules…

‘Jasmin does the classic putting her hands over her mouth to stop herself telling the truth,’ says Paul. ‘But what’s fascinatin­g is that all the children are guilty of foul play!’

Team tests

Later, they are divided into teams for some competitiv­e games that spiral into a battle.

‘It’s astonishin­g to see how easily bias can emerge,’ says Elizabeth. ‘Even at five that instinct to identify against those not in your group starts sowing the seeds of prejudice.’

Meanwhile, to test whether they could be fair leaders, Sienna, Ella and Iris are each given ‘power’ over the rest of the group. And Sienna’s bossiness leads to ructions with Luke B that ends in tears!

‘Being in charge can be very testing,’ says Paul. ‘But I’ve been genuinely impressed at how well they’ve handled themselves. Perhaps we don’t give children enough credit!’

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 ??  ?? Moral dilemmas… How will the group do?
Moral dilemmas… How will the group do?
 ??  ?? Taking note… Paul
and Elizabeth
Taking note… Paul and Elizabeth

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