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Love under hypnosis!

Meet the man who wants a couple to forget they’re in loveÉ


People do all sorts of things to keep a relationsh­ip fresh… In C4’s new one-off show, medically trained hypnotist Aaron Calvert offers a young couple, Lucy and George, the chance to try a radical dating experiment!

He’ll wipe out their memories of each other, so when they meet on the show, viewers will see if Cupid strikes twice...

‘These two people, who’ve known each other for years, will completely forget each other,’ explains Aaron, who then sets Lucy and George up on a series of blind dates. ‘This could be the ultimate test of their relationsh­ip. Will they choose each other again? At the end of this experiment they’ll know for sure!’

Under hypnosis the couple, who’ve been together for four years, believe they’re single for three days. During that time Aaron sends them both on dates with two strangers, who are aware of the situation, before sending them on a date with each other, as if for the first time.

Afterwards, they must decide which person they like the most – potentiall­y making or breaking their real relationsh­ip!

‘It’s a gamble,’ says George. ‘Lucy might not fancy me, she might fancy one of the other people she dates. I think I’d feel quite gutted and humiliated.’

‘It’s scary,’ adds Lucy. ‘I’d like to think that our date will be good and there’ll be a spark, but maybe not. Worst case we split up… I just don’t want to be one of those couples who are stuck in a rut.’

 ??  ?? Extreme dating… George and Lucy meet Aaron (centre)
remember each other Hypnotised… The couple won’t
Extreme dating… George and Lucy meet Aaron (centre) remember each other Hypnotised… The couple won’t

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