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your stars

Colin Shearman looks ahead to 27 Oct-2 Nov 2018



(21 March-20 April)

Someone will try to take advantage, but a discussion puts your mind at rest – and some news gives you cause for optimism.

☎STARLINE: 0905 817 0426


(21 April-21 May)

Aspects to Venus mean trouble may be brewing in a relationsh­ip, but you’ll get the upper hand in important negotiatio­ns.

☎STARLINE: 0905 817 0427


(22 May-21 June)

Aspects to Mercury promise a real chance to make a name for yourself – and also let others know just how serious you are…

☎STARLINE: 0905 817 0428


(22 June-22 July)

You won’t always know where you stand with loved ones, but this is a week to push your luck – and enjoy a romantic affair…

☎STARLINE: 0905 817 0429


(23 July-22 August)

It won’t be entirely clear what is going on, but aspects to the Sun guarantee some steady progress with a family problem.

☎STARLINE: 0905 817 0430


(23 August-22 September)

New projects go well, but you will have to factor in a change of plan. A discussion at home will be a huge weight off your mind.

☎STARLINE: 0905 817 0431


(23 September-22 October)

Aspects to Venus suggest you will be surprised by a great offer, but a promise won’t be worth the paper it’s printed on.

☎STARLINE: 0905 817 0432


(23 October-21 November)

You are determined to see things through and, though a close companion will mess you around, you’ll be at your most amiable.

☎STARLINE: 0905 817 0433


(22 November-20 December)

Despite having to cope with a series of obstacles, you’ll soon realise that events are turning out better than you expected.

☎STARLINE: 0905 817 0434


(21 December-19 January)

As long as you can take troublemak­ers in your stride, you should let your hair down. You will find thinking ahead pays off, too.

☎STARLINE: 0905 817 0435


(20 January-19 February)

You may have to cope with the fallout from a friend not knowing what they want, but that won’t stop you pursuing an ambition.

☎STARLINE: 0905 817 0436


(20 February-20 March)

It’s hard to predict how life will turn out, but you will do well if you follow up new opportunit­ies that are heading your way.

☎STARLINE: 0905 817 0437

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