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Tusk force!

Why following elephants was a hair-raising experience for explorer Levison Wood


British Army officer-turned-explorer Levison Wood has been fascinated by elephants since he was a boy. Famous for his globetrott­ing walking expedition­s, Lev’s latest trip sees him following migrating elephants in Botswana. However, he admits there were a few scary moments!

‘We were chased by buffalo and elephants, and had lions walk through our camp!’ reveals the 38-yearold, who was accompanie­d by local guide Kane. ‘Kane could re-create the sound of any animal. He would know if a certain predator was near from recognisin­g bird calls. If we wanted to see lions, he’d make the sound of a dying antelope!’

King of the jungle

Lev saw lions close up when Kane showed the big cats who’s really king of the jungle...

‘We saw a lion kill a buffalo, and Kane explained that, in his youth, that’s how he would get his meat,’ says Lev. ‘So we walked up to these lions – which was terrifying! They bolted and waited under a tree while we inspected the carcass. We didn’t eat it because we’d had lunch!’

He admits that the encounter made him less nervous. ‘It was a demonstrat­ion of how the food chain works,’ he smiles. ‘We always think we’re the vulnerable ones, but we’re the apex predators.’

Lev and Kane’s 650-mile journey across Botswana ended in the Okavango Delta, a vast wetland that presented more hairraisin­g moments as it’s teeming with hippos.

‘If hippos are grazing and feel threatened, they’ll run to the water,’ says Lev. ‘If you are in their way, they will tear you apart!’

 ??  ?? Lifelong dream… Lev with
a calf
Lifelong dream… Lev with a calf
 ??  ?? Expedition… Levison (left) with guide Kane
Expedition… Levison (left) with guide Kane

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