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Coronation Street

The women of Weather field rally as she pleads ‘not guilty’


With innocent Yasmeen Metcalfe in jail for the ‘attack’ on Geoff – which saw her defending herself as her abusive husband came at her with a knife – her granddaugh­ter, Alya, is terribly worried.

While Alya knows that Yasmeen has been controlled by husband Geoff, the rest of Weatherfie­ld doesn’t. And Yasmeen herself hasn’t been able to accept or recognise the abuse either.


But this week, Alya has a breakthrou­gh with terrified Yasmeen, and gains supporters as Sally Metcalfe and Eileen Grimshaw voice their opinion of Geoff.

The U-turn against Geoff begins when Sally tells husband Tim she wants his dad to move out. Sickened over the recent revelation­s of his use of prostitute­s, Sally’s now got a bad feeling about her father-in-law.

‘Tim’s not happy about it,’ says Sally Dynevor, who plays Sally. ‘He thinks Geoff is in desperate need of support.’

When Yasmeen then enters a not-guilty plea,

Sally becomes even more sure that Geoff’s side of the story doesn’t add up.

The plea comes as a relief to Alya, especially after she learns more of what Geoff’s put her nan through. She’s horrified when

Yasmeen admits Geoff tricked her into eating

United... Sally (left) and Eileen her own pet chicken, and had her cleaning morning, noon and night.

Alya’s insistence that Geoff has abused her finally sinks in with scared Yasmeen,

who draws on Alya’s support to face her fear of Geoff. As Geoff rails against his wife’s not-guilty plea, he demands that he and Tim show a united front… But when Eileen tells Tim she’s unsure about Geoff, will his friend’s words hit home?

Says Sally: ‘Sally has

said things about his dad, but hearing them from someone else starts to make Tim think.’

 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Awkward... Tim tells dad Geoff to leave
Tense... Yasmeen has her moment in court
Awkward... Tim tells dad Geoff to leave Tense... Yasmeen has her moment in court

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