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Casualty returns with a must-see episode, as one member of the ED dies from coronaviru­s…


2 January, 7.35pm BBC1 Drama

Casualty returns to our screens this week – and have the tissues ready as it’s a heartbreak­ing episode. The team have been thrust on to the front line of the battle to save COVID-19 patients and even Connie is exhausted and reaching breaking point. But when one of their own succumbs to the virus, it becomes a real struggle to

carry on…

For all her faults, Connie Beauchamp has always been the backbone of the ED. But as Casualty makes its much-anticipate­d return this week, the normally tough-as-nails clinical lead is close to breaking point.

Last time we caught up with the medical drama, David was struggling to manage his bipolar disorder, while Marty had reconnecte­d with his homophobic father and Connie and Charlie were back on speaking terms.

But now, in a special opening episode highlighti­ng the pressures on NHS staff during the pandemic, the whole of the ED is plunged into a COVID nightmare…

‘Connie’s the perfect character to show just how much the pandemic took out of our front-line workers,’ explains

Amanda Mealing, who plays her. ‘Because she’s always immaculate and in control, to see her utterly broken, vulnerable and in despair because of the situation is powerful.’


The episode begins with Charlie discoverin­g Connie crumpled in a heap, her face blotchy from wearing a mask, as she tearfully blames herself for the endless stream of coronaviru­s deaths.

The drama then jumps back in time to reveal how the pandemic unfolded at Holby, as Ethan, David and Jacob help a pregnant COVID patient give birth and Marty supports a desperate mum as she says goodbye to her family via video call.

But when one beloved member of the ED team ends up succumbing to the deadly virus, it leaves everyone devastated and Connie feeling personally responsibl­e.

‘It takes a while to come to terms with the idea this person has gone because they were always there, they were a permanent fixture,’ says Amanda. ‘Connie can’t get her head round the fact she couldn’t fix it.’

Although the first episode is definitely a tough watch, Amanda says she’s delighted Casualty is back.

‘Fans have been asking, “When are you back?” So hopefully this opening episode will be worth the wait,’ she says. ‘I just hope we’ve done justice to the experience of the front-line workers.’

 ??  ?? Mask slipping… Even Connie is struggling
Mask slipping… Even Connie is struggling
 ??  ?? Life and death… A pregnant COVID patient gives birth
Feeling helpless… Clinical lead Connie
Pressure… Jacob on the front line
Life and death… A pregnant COVID patient gives birth Feeling helpless… Clinical lead Connie Pressure… Jacob on the front line

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