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I’ve lost weight, have more energy, no joint pain and sleep better!”


‘‘ I T was on a holiday to Barcelona to celebrate my sister Joan’s 70th birthday that I discovered her secret for staying young, healthy and pain-free!”

We were sharing a hotel room on the trip, something we’d not done in years, I soon learnt a lot about her habits. The first thing I noticed was that she spent ages in the shower and the other was something quite unexpected which has changed my life!

On our first evening I saw her putting two patches on the soles of her feet before going to bed. I thought maybe it was plaster, but there was no cuts on her feet.

On the second night she did the same thing again, put two white patches on her feet. How strange I thought, I asked her what she was doing. She told me she was doing her monthly detox. I thought she has lost the plot, what did a foot patch have to do with detoxing? I knew she always used natural treatments but this sounded crazy.


She explained that it was a Chinese treatment that helped ‘suck’ toxins out of the body. She had been using them for a while “I’ve never felt better, got more energy and they have stopped the pain in my arthritic hands”. I think she could see I had my doubts.

She suggested I try it myself. “Tomorrow morning you’ll see why I do this, when you see what the patches do...”

So to keep her quiet, I put the patches on the soles of my feet and went to bed. Anything to stop her going on, all I wanted to do was go to sleep.

I didn’t really expect anything to happen, but in fact I was completely amazed!

When I put the two patches on they were bright white... But the next day, they’d completely changed colour... they were black and looked quite gross.

And the strange bit was I felt fantastic, like I’d got 10 years younger overnight. But there was no way I was going to admit this to Joan, after all it was probably down to getting a good night’s sleep and not the patches.

I asked, what had made them go black, “That’s the toxins. Your body is filled with billions of toxins and pollutants that are choking your body, that can damage your organs and cause many health problems.”


That day we did plenty of sightseein­g, we walked around the beautiful Gaudi Park, the Sagrada Familia and down Las Ramblas. Over dinner Joan commented that I’d not moaned about my aching knees during the day. She was right, I’d not noticed, but I’d had no pain at all. Maybe the patches had made a difference.

Before bed she gave me two more patches “give it another go, you know they work!” I didn’t want to admit it but I knew she was right. For the second time in a row I got a good night’s sleep, something I’d not had in months.

After four nights of using them I felt wonderful, I’d slept well every night and had no pain in my knees.

On our way home I asked her where I could order them from. I’d never believed in natural healing treatments before, all I can say is that I am truly converted!



I now detox for 5 nights every month and they have worked wonders. The first night of the detox they are always black but then get lighter as the week goes on. I feel marvellous, sleep much better, I no longer wake up in the middle of the night and have stopped taking sleeping tablets. The aches and pains in my knees have completely disappeare­d, I can walk all day long with no problems, it’s incredible. And I feel like I have more energy, which is no wonder with all those nasty toxins sucked out of my body.



It truly was one of the best weekends ever, lovely to spend quality time with Joan and I found the cure to my sleepless nights and aching joints!”

Detox Foot Patches are available direct from Health Broadcast. To order call 0808 208 9190.

They’re normally £30.00, but you can order today for just £19.95 +p&p and if you order 2 boxes you’ll get 2 boxes FREE Plus FREE copy of “Detox while you sleep!”

 ??  ?? Joan (70) and her sister Debbie (62) on the right
Joan lost
11⁄2 stone on the Detox Plan
Joan (70) and her sister Debbie (62) on the right Joan lost 11⁄2 stone on the Detox Plan

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