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Let’s get quizzy!

Jenny Ryan on the return of peak-time spinoff Beat the Chasers...


Q What’s the standard of the contestant­s like this time?

A This is series three, so they’ve had two whole series to watch and make notes and then practise as well, particular­ly through lockdown! But especially this series, contestant after contestant has been amazing – not just great knowledge but great tactics. They’ve really thought things through.

Q The contestant­s choose how many Chasers they face. Is success more about knowledge or smart tactics?

A You need to have good general knowledge, but also know your limitation­s and stick with them – there is money to be won if you’re realistic about how well you can do. The best contestant­s are really honest about how good they are, then damp it down a bit further and give themselves a bit more time, one fewer Chaser to face.

It’s less money, but at least they’ll take the money home!

Q Unlike on The Chase, this show sees up to five Chasers working together against one contestant. Do you feel under more pressure on Beat the Chasers than you do on The Chase?

A The thing that adds the pressure is having to cooperate and work together. You feel under pressure to perform your best, but you’re also putting your colleagues under some sort of mental pressure – you’ve got to perform as well! It’s like being in a sporting team rather than a solo sports person.

Q Have there been any subjects you’ve needed to do extra revision on?

A We’re always all revising all topics and keeping on top of the latest events. Profession­ally, we have to, but there’s always something about perfumes or make-up which the others leave to me, or for some reason, car marques. I don’t even drive!

Q Not every contestant chooses to face all the Chasers. What’s it like when you have to sit out?

A I have to sit on my hand so I don’t reach out and press the buzzer! You do get very frustrated when something comes up and it feels like the team are taking an age to answer – you’re sitting there going, ‘Oh, I knew this one!’

 ??  ?? Fearsome… (From left) Chasers Anne, Mark, Jenny, Shaun and Darragh
High stakes… Contestant Tania with host Bradley Walsh
Fearsome… (From left) Chasers Anne, Mark, Jenny, Shaun and Darragh High stakes… Contestant Tania with host Bradley Walsh

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