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Holby City

After quitting as Holby CEO, Fletch is dealing with matters of the heart, as Alex Walkinshaw reveals…

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TUE 18 May, 7.50pm BBC1 Drama

There’s been a major incident and Holby City Hospital is overrun with patients from Henrik Hanssen’s old school, where he was abused by Sahira’s now deceased father, Reyhan Shah. As Hanssen operates on a boy who was abused by Reyhan, he’s racked with guilt that he didn’t speak up sooner. Will he be brave enough to seek help for his mental scars?

Q How did Fletch feel about becoming Holby CEO?

A Fletch took the job reluctantl­y and only because no one else wanted to do it. It was a massive step up from being director of nursing to CEO and it was just too big a job for Fletch.

Q What does Fletch make of Holby’s new director of funding Jeni Sinclaire, played by Debra Stephenson?

A Fletch warmed to Jeni straight away. She’s an attractive woman, very friendly and he finds her easy to talk to. This week, there’s a major incident at the hospital, and Jeni doesn’t mind rolling up her sleeves and getting her hands dirty to help – that’s always gonna go down well with Fletch.

Q How does Fletch feel about his daughter Evie going for a job at Holby coffee shop Pulses this week?

A Fletch is happy for Evie. It’s showing her independen­ce. Since her mother died, Fletch has somewhat relied on her. But when Andrei shows up, he’s reminded she’s still his little girl…

Q What does Fletch make of Andrei?

A When Fletch spots Evie wearing Andrei’s hoodie, his paternal instinct kicks in. Evie reassures Fletch that Andrei was just helping her with her interview, but Fletch is very suspicious.

Q How does the romance story develop?

A Fletch becomes very protective of Evie. He doesn’t know anything about Andrei. But Darwin surgeon Kian has an affinity with Andrei. Because Fletch and Kian have always got on so well, Fletch takes Kian at his word. But, later on, things happen that lead to huge rows, confrontat­ion, blame and guilt. It’s not going to be an easy journey for any of them!

 ??  ?? Struggles… Hanssen faces awful memories
Struggles… Hanssen faces awful memories
 ??  ?? Spark of attraction..? Jeni and Fletch
Spark of attraction..? Jeni and Fletch
 ??  ?? Testing times... Fletch’s daughter Evie and Andrei
Testing times... Fletch’s daughter Evie and Andrei

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