What's on TV


9-15 December 2023


ARIES (21 March-20 April)

Seeing a project through can be a big challenge. Revive your energy by viewing a long-standing commitment differentl­y. STARLINE: 0905 817 0426*

TAURUS (21 April-21 May)

You’ve had to make some big changes over the past few months. Give yourself some credit for all that you’ve achieved. STARLINE: 0905 817 0427*

GEMINI (22 May-21 June)

The Full Moon in your sign on 15 December brings new ideas. Move out of your comfort zone and act on your inspiratio­ns! STARLINE: 0905 817 0428*

CANCER (22 June-22 July)

This is the moment that you’ve been waiting for! So dive in and don’t be afraid to go for what you want. STARLINE: 0905 817 0429*

LEO (23 July-22 August)

You’re a wild child, so allow yourself to express this part of you. Now is a great time to make a change to your image. STARLINE: 0905 817 0430*

VIRGO (23 August-22 September)

You’re often in a position of service. Your care and concern for others is noticed, but let yourself receive, too.

STARLINE: 0905 817 0431*

LIBRA (23 September-22 October)

As an air sign, you value your own space. While relationsh­ips are important, try to allocate yourself some me time. STARLINE: 0905 817 0432*

SCORPIO (23 October-21 November)

Relax and let your hair down! Put your responsibi­lities aside and enjoy all the fun plans you have in place.

STARLINE: 0905 817 0433*

SAGITTARIU­S (22 November-20 December)

Mars in your sign gives you a fiery enthusiasm to push forward with your dreams. Reach for the stars!

STARLINE: 0905 817 0434*

CAPRICORN (21 December-19 January)

Your conservati­ve nature helps you to stay grounded. But with Mercury in a fire sign now, it’s safe for you to take risks! STARLINE: 0905 817 0435*

AQUARIUS (20 January-19 February)

The Moon in your sign allows you to work towards a new goal. Go for what you want and trust in yourself!

STARLINE: 0905 817 0436*

PISCES (20 February-20 March)

You’re a natural healer and others reach out for your comfort. Know that you deserve to receive the same support. STARLINE: 0905 817 0437*

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