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Dark laughs

I loved the dark humour in BBC1 drama Boat Story, which followed two hard-up strangers who found a stash of drugs. Comedy moments included the crime boss’ confusion between pastries and pasties and his henchman’s intention to take advantage of a voucher from a Chinese restaurant – with millions at stake, he didn’t want to pass up the opportunit­y to save £10! Maggie Cobbett, Yorkshire

Distressin­g scenes

Well done to Coronation Street for its storyline on bullying at school, which is very relevant. Mason and his gang have been tormenting Liam, and in a recent episode, they surrounded him and threw rubbish all over him. Then Mason pulled out

a knife, with Dylan too afraid to help! It’s so sad that such things really go on, and the soap’s writers have done a good job of showing how frightenin­g it can be for victims.

Christine Matthewman,

Tyne and Wear

Good news!

I can’t help but marvel at how Have I Got News for You on BBC1 manages to stay fresh and lively, even after all these years. Paul Merton and Ian Hislop’s witty banter and clever jabs at the week’s news always leave me in fits of laughter. Satire truly is a gem, especially when it comes to

brightenin­g up those moments when laughter seems scarce.

Muhammad Zeeshan, Leicester

Toy story…

The Toy Hospital on Channel 5 is a real joy. The staff are so dedicated and all show their different skills in giving life to the toys in their care.

One of the restorers, Dr Jax, operated on my now 73-year-old teddy Pevensey a few years ago. My teddy’s head became loose at Pevensey Bay in 1950 and Dr Jax restored his neck and did eye and nose surgery! Susan Phillips, West Sussex

 ?? ?? Satirical stars...
Have I Got News for You’s Paul (left) and Ian
Satirical stars... Have I Got News for You’s Paul (left) and Ian

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