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She wants to tell Nate about the affair...


Tracy and Caleb, who were caught kissing on Christmas Day, have been playing a game of to and fro recently. Moira was horrified to spot her daughterin-law and brother-in-law smooching on her sofa and insisted it stop right then, or else.

Although Caleb has since called it quits, realising what he stood to lose if the Dingles found out what he’d been up to, the feelings between the lovers have gone nowhere. If anything, the pair want each other more than ever!

And when Tracy recently threatened to reveal all unless Caleb invested in her business and announced it to the family as a done deal, the businessma­n was turned on by her power move.

Now, as they skirt around each other, trying to keep away but desperate to be close, the cat-and-mouse game continues.

Determined to keep calling the shots, Tracy decides she wants Caleb’s money out of her forest school and tries to get Gabby on board instead. But when Caleb does his best to put Gabby off, Tracy’s furious.

Turning to Moira, who’s no stranger to affairs, Tracy reveals she’s thinking of telling Nate the truth about her betrayal to put an end to it all. Will she listen when her mother-in-law pleads with her to keep quiet? If the truth emerges, Tracy’s marriage will be over and there’s no telling what Cain will do if he finds out his brother’s been sleeping with his son’s wife!

‘She’s very aware that she might lose Nate, and is probably under the illusion that she won’t lose Frankie, but maybe just the family set-up. But really, she could stand to lose everything,’ says Amy Walsh, who plays Tracy. ‘It’s gonna cause absolute uproar with the Dingles.’

Will Tracy keep quiet?

 ?? ?? Warning… Moira tells Tracy (left) she risks losing everything
Warning… Moira tells Tracy (left) she risks losing everything
 ?? ?? In the dark… Will Tracy ignore Moira (right) and reveal all to Nate?
In the dark… Will Tracy ignore Moira (right) and reveal all to Nate?
 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Christmas kiss… Tracy and Caleb
Christmas kiss… Tracy and Caleb

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