What's on TV

Under the knife

Love Island’s Olivia Attwood reveals the truth about the latest cosmetic-surgery trends...



Reality star Olivia Attwood explores just how far we’re willing to go to get the perfect face and body for her new series The Price of Perfection.

Across five episodes she meets people undergoing an astonishin­g array of new procedures and treatments, from bum fillers to eyebrow transplant­s and vacuum breast lifts!

‘It’s a very honest show. We cover all the new trends and the risks involved,’ says Olivia, 32, who has had two boob jobs and several ‘tweakments’ to her face.

‘I wanted to get access to people’s surgeries and witness what really goes on. Luckily, I have a strong stomach!’

In this week’s first episode, Boobs, Olivia follows 27-yearold trans woman Olivia, who’s having a non-surgical vacuum breast lift, where plastic cups suck the breast tissue to make them appear larger and firmer.

She also witnesses a breast-implant removal and meets content creator Jennifer, who wants to go bigger than her already size-h boobs!

‘The trend these days is for a more natural look, but Jennifer believes bigger is better,’ says Olivia. ‘It’s a worry, though, because by doing anything further she’s putting herself in danger.’

Risks and rewards

The whole eye-opening experience gives Olivia second thoughts about the cosmetic surgery industry.

‘I’m never going to say I’m anti-cosmetic procedures. They can change people’s lives when they’re approached in the right way, with caution and with research,’ she says. ‘But there are huge risks with some procedures, yet a real lack of regulation, which really shocked me!’

 ?? ?? Precision... Surgeons perform a procedure
Precision... Surgeons perform a procedure
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 ?? ?? Revealing...olivia had full access
Revealing...olivia had full access

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