What's on TV


27 Jan-2 Feb 2024

- Sally Trotman (sallytrotm­an.com)

ARIES (21 March-20 April)

An event in early February sheds new light on an old problem, giving you the inner guidance to move forward. STARLINE: 0905 817 0426*

TAURUS (21 April-21 May)

If you’re lacking energy, find a healthy eating or exercise plan to motivate you. It will be worth the commitment. STARLINE: 0905 817 0427*

GEMINI (22 May-21 June)

Your enthusiasm can be contagious, but some may not share your vision. If you go it alone, others will catch up. STARLINE: 0905 817 0428*

CANCER (22 June-22 July)

Be brave and follow your heart regarding a certain matter – this will embolden others to offer support.

STARLINE: 0905 817 0429*

LEO (23 July-22 August)

Your loyalty is admirable, but make sure it isn’t misplaced. Don’t lower your standards. You’re worth more.

STARLINE: 0905 817 0430*

VIRGO (23 August-22 September)

Sometimes you want to hide from the world. If you’ve been feeling like this, plan a cosy day alone with a good book. STARLINE: 0905 817 0431*

LIBRA (23 September-22 October)

Your emotions can swing between extremes. Check in with yourself and let go – you will come to an equilibriu­m. STARLINE: 0905 817 0432*

SCORPIO (23 October-21 November)

If you feel like you’ve been giving a lot, step back and create space for yourself. You’ll emerge refreshed and ready to go! STARLINE: 0905 817 0433*

SAGITTARIU­S (22 November-20 December)

A fire sign, you can tend to burn yourself out. So, if you’re feeling overwhelme­d, assess your priorities to make life easier. STARLINE: 0905 817 0434*

CAPRICORN (21 December-19 January)

With Mercury, Venus and Mars all in your sign, you can make clear changes in the areas of communicat­ion, love and work. STARLINE: 0905 817 0435*

AQUARIUS (20 January-19 February)

You may be feeling a bit lacklustre. If that rings true, review where you need to balance giving with receiving more. STARLINE: 0905 817 0436*

PISCES (20 February-20 March)

Try not to take criticism too personally. Instead, take on board any constructi­ve feedback. You’ll come back stronger. STARLINE: 0905 817 0437*

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