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Body found?

Keanu’s killer Linda panics as his mum Karen returns – and the caff floods...

- whattowatc­h.com/eastenders bbc.co.uk/eastenders

For the Walford women who have been desperatel­y trying to cover up Keanu’s Christmas Day murder, it’s one thing after another this week. His body may be buried under concrete in the caff but the grisly nightmare continues to haunt them.

This week, panic hits as there’s a leak in the relaunchin­g cafe and the floor needs to come up. And then, Keanu’s fiery mum, Karen, storms back into the Square!

She’s not bothered that Phil is going to get in her face about the money she stole from him – she wants answers about her ‘AWOL’ son, and with his ex-fiancée Sharon out of the country, Karen’s coming for everyone who was in The Vic that night, Nish included.

Can the gang shut down their problems or is their crime about to be unearthed?

Fear soon pushes their buttons. Denise resolves to confess all to Jack and is stricken by a terrifying vision of Keanu, while Kathy decides to shop Karen to the police for Albie’s fake kidnap.


But it’s Linda, who sank the knife into Keanu, who totally unravels when she clocks the Taylor mum. In a spin, she packs a bag, insisting she’s going on holiday with Alfie.

Linda can try to run but she can’t hide from Karen, who corners her and demands a blow-by-blow account of what happened after her son’s wedding fell to pot.

‘Being faced with Keanu’s mother is probably the worst thing that could happen to Linda, especially on the day that she arrives,’ says Kellie Bright, who plays the landlady. ‘She finds the whole encounter absolutely unbearable and it just pushes her further and further towards the edge. If you imagine an elastic band that is stretched to its capacity, that is Linda Carter every minute of every day.’

Given the drunk is plastered, is she about to confess all?

 ?? ?? Demand… Phil (left) confronts Karen about his money
Victim… Keanu was killed at Christmas
Demand… Phil (left) confronts Karen about his money Victim… Keanu was killed at Christmas
 ?? ?? Crisis talk… (From left) Linda, Stacey, Denise and Kathy
Crisis talk… (From left) Linda, Stacey, Denise and Kathy

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