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Adam’s dealings with Harvey put Sarah and Bethany in grave danger…


Out-of-his-depth Adam Barlow learns what happens when you get on the wrong side of Harvey Gaskell after he goes back on his deal with the crook.

Still in love with Sarah, Adam asked the imprisoned gangster to get rid of his estranged wife’s dodgy new man Damon, who’s Harvey’s brother. In exchange, he vowed to try to appeal Harvey’s conviction for the murder of Natasha Blakeman.

But things haven’t worked out as hoped. Harvey’s plan for a terminally ill man to take the rap for Natasha’s death hit a snag when footage emerged showing him to be elsewhere on the night of the murder.

Plus, with Nick and

Leanne worried about how dredging up

Natasha’s death will affect her son Sam, and

Dee-dee working out what’s been going on, this week a guilty Adam shelves the appeal and hands the evidence to the police. Furious, Harvey warns him to watch his back.


Later, Adam visits Sarah and admits he wants them to get back together. ‘Sarah’s really conflicted because so much has happened,’ says Tina O’brien, who plays her. ‘She still has feelings for Adam but doesn’t think it will ever work. She doesn’t want to hear it, so she runs out.’

Seeing her mum upset, Bethany heads over to comfort her, but neither of them realise that a car is accelerati­ng towards them…

‘Sarah’s got her back to the car, so she doesn’t see it coming,’ explains Tina.

‘As a viewer, knowing what Adam’s got himself involved in, you know this driver is coming right for her.’

Although horrified Adam attempts to shove his stepdaught­er Bethany out of the way, will he succeed? Will anyone end up hurt in the intended collision?

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