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Keanu’s body found!

Sharon returns to police horror as The Six’s crime surfaces…

- whattowatc­h.com/eastenders bbc.co.uk/eastenders

Another day, another hangover for Linda Carter. But before she’s even cracked out the aspirin, she’s got a bigger headache to deal with: Sharon!

A lot’s happened since the runaway bride left her friends to deal with the fallout of her fiancé Keanu’s murder. So after she’s brought up to speed, she calls a crisis meeting. ‘Coming in as an outsider, she realises the trust is broken between the women, so she wants to get them all back united,’ explains Letitia Dean, who plays Sharon. There’s progress, too. The missing killer meat thermomete­r is found, and Sharon vows to do her bit by getting rid of it. It’s a big problem solved but The Six’s relief gets eclipsed by the worst possible news… the floor at the cafe has caved in!


Knowing that Keanu’s corpse is about to surface, there’s full-scale panic. Suki tries to stop Vinny from calling the builders, and Sharon seeks out Phil, who’s stunned when she does a U-turn on an earlier conversati­on and grants him access to their son Albie.

Over at Denise’s, the hairdresse­r prepares to flee but Stacey manages to stop her by promising to help her retrieve her necklace, which fell into Keanu’s grave.

Having swiped Bernie’s keys to the cafe, the pair are just getting started when Jack interrupts, wanting to know what on Earth they’re up to…

Will the copper, who already knows his wife bottled Nish that fateful night, get the full truth and report the crime?

Someone’s certainly said something as, before long, the police are at Sharon’s, telling her Keanu’s body has been found on the Square. As the grisly news spreads, his sister Bernie is horrified.

Will the guilty Six remain united under questionin­g?

‘Sharon’s main concern is looking after Albie. It is not an option for her to be separated from him, so she will do whatever it takes to protect that family unit and her freedom,’ teases Letitia.

Who’s going to get arrested?

 ?? ?? Crisis… Sharon’s homecoming goes from bad to worse Panic… Will (from left) Stacey, Suki, Linda, Kathy and Denise present a united front?
Crisis… Sharon’s homecoming goes from bad to worse Panic… Will (from left) Stacey, Suki, Linda, Kathy and Denise present a united front?
 ?? ?? l Gravedigge­rs… Jack wants answers from Denise (centre) and Stacey
l Gravedigge­rs… Jack wants answers from Denise (centre) and Stacey
 ?? ?? News… Bernie is traumatise­d
News… Bernie is traumatise­d

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