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Rescue mission

How the late Paul O’grady visited Asia to help care for elderly and poorly elephants…



Apoignant two-part series showcases much-missed presenter Paul O’grady’s love for one of the world’s most majestic animals. Filmed shortly before Paul’s death in March 2023, it follows his visit to Thailand and Laos to highlight the incredible conservati­on work being done with endangered Asian elephants.

‘There’s something special about elephants,’ said Paul. ‘Across Asia, they are revered, but life can be tough for these gentle giants and their numbers are plummeting.’

Paul’s trip began at the Elephant Nature Park in Thailand, a sanctuary for former working elephants, where he helped to feed and treat arthritic Maesri, who once carried tourists, and underweigh­t Duj Dao, who worked at a riding camp and now has inflamed skin.

‘Once they get injured or too old to work, their futures can come under threat, but the park is a refuge for them to live out their days,’ shared Paul, who was also thrilled to meet playful baby elephants Chaba and Pyimai, who were rescued from elephant shows. ‘They’re like big puppies! I love that they’re now safe.’

He also dropped in at Friends of the Asian Elephant, the world’s first elephant hospital, and marvelled at plucky patient Motala, who has a prosthetic leg after being injured by a landmine.

Meanwhile, at Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary in the Thai jungle, Paul fell for Lotus, one of three rescued elephants dubbed the ‘Gossip Girls’, as he learnt how to become an elephant carer, known as a mahout, and treat the trio’s ailing feet.

‘I’m in awe of mahouts who dedicate their lives to elephants,’ reflected Paul. ‘And it has been a privilege to get so close to these animals.’

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