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A taste of paradise

Martin Clunes plays a crazy game of cricket on his tour of the Pacific Islands...


Britain has exported the sport of cricket far and wide across the globe. But perhaps the unlikelies­t offshoot of the game is to be found in the Trobriand Islands, off the coast of Papua New Guinea.

The Trobriands are Martin Clunes’ first port of call as his travelogue Islands of the Pacific, which was interrupte­d by the global pandemic, returns for three more episodes.

Honoured guests

Arriving on the islands, the Doc Martin star and his film crew were given a very warm welcome.

‘There are no hotels,’ explains Martin, who goes on to visit the Philippine­s and Micronesia later in the series. ‘So the villagers built houses for us!’

Martin had particular­ly wanted to visit the Trobriands after listening to a radio programme about the unusual version of cricket that’s played there.

‘It said that they settle tribal arguments with cricket matches,’ he says. ‘So I thought: “We’ve got to go there, and I’ve got to play in one of these matches!”’

The game was introduced to the islanders in 1903 by a British Methodist missionary and, in the Trobriand version, there’s no restrictio­n on the number of players on a team, and the home side, for whom Martin goes in to bat, is always the winner.

‘I did manage to whack a few deliveries,’ he smiles.

There was another, more poignant reminder of home when Martin received some news during his stay.

‘I got a text from my daughter Emily saying that the Queen had died,’ he recalls. ‘Throughout the following day, elders from other villages came to offer their condolence­s. That was really moving.’

 ?? ?? Up to bat... Martin tries Trobriands­tyle cricket Bestowing gifts... Children give Martin a garland Island life... Martin is back to explore more Pacific gems
Up to bat... Martin tries Trobriands­tyle cricket Bestowing gifts... Children give Martin a garland Island life... Martin is back to explore more Pacific gems

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