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11-17 May 2024 with Sally Trotman (sallytrotm­an.com)

ARIES (21 March-20 April)

Mercury and Mars in your sign could lead to a slight temper tantrum! Keep calm and carry on regardless. STARLINE: 0905 817 0426*

TAURUS (21 April-21 May)

The Sun in your sign guides you to make important decisions, especially if your birthday falls this week. STARLINE: 0905 817 0427*

GEMINI (22 May-21 June)

You are the creator of your reality, so choose thoughts wisely. Let go of fear and trust the process you’ve started. STARLINE: 0905 817 0428*

CANCER (22 June-22 July)

If you’re feeling burdened by someone else’s problem, it’s time to put it down. You’ve carried the load for too long. STARLINE: 0905 817 0429*

LEO (23 July-22 August)

Avoid conflict this week. With Mercury and Mars in fellow fire sign Aries, you may be tempted to say what you think! STARLINE: 0905 817 0430*

VIRGO (23 August-22 September)

Put your worries aside. It can be difficult when things aren’t going your way, but the universe has your back. STARLINE: 0905 817 0431*

LIBRA (23 September-22 October)

Peace and harmony are yours if you can calm your busy mind and restore balance to your daily routine. STARLINE: 0905 817 0432*

SCORPIO (23 October-21 November)

You’re more free-spirited than others realise. Put your responsibi­lities aside and think about a big change. STARLINE: 0905 817 0433*

SAGITTARIU­S (22 November-20 December)

Love is in the air! If you have your eye on someone, make a move. If you’re in a relationsh­ip, surprise your other half. STARLINE: 0905 817 0434*

CAPRICORN (21 December-19 January)

With the Sun and Venus in Taurus, you have the Midas touch! Go for what you want with confidence. STARLINE: 0905 817 0435*

AQUARIUS (20 January-19 February)

As an air sign, your mind’s often busy. It’s important to focus on your body, so why not start a new exercise regime? STARLINE: 0905 817 0436*

PISCES (20 February-20 March)

It’s a time of new beginnings. This may involve letting go of the familiar – you have the courage to start anew. STARLINE: 0905 817 0437*

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