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Can you identify this mini sub?


Q My cousin has a photo of two Wrens having a picnic on the beach at Arromanche­s on one of their rest days in August 1944. With them are two men, one of them wearing a beret with a cap badge. Which regiment was this from? There are also two photos of what looks like a mini sub being repaired. Is there any way of identifyin­g this craft? I had always thought that officers weren’t supposed to take personal cameras with them during active service.

Pete Stevens

A What interestin­g photos. The cap badge in the picture of the picnic is Royal Navy and the man an officer (he’s wearing a tie). His companion is an army officer, but I can’t tell either rank. The light clothing suggests a warm day, so August 1944 seems reasonable.

The submarine photos are different. British midget submarines operated off Normandy before D-Day, landing men to explore the beaches, and on D-Day itself guided the invasion inshore. They were X-Craft, which had no conning tower, a markedly sharper bow and were longer and broader than the submarine pictured. None was lost off Normandy, so this isn’t a recovered one.

The submarine is a Seehund (‘Seal’), a two-man craft, which only came into service with the Kriegsmari­ne at the very end of 1944. The circular contraptio­n by the propeller could be moved to act as a rudder, and identifies the type. There’s a splendid website devoted to German midget submarines at bit.ly/midgetsubs. The Seehund section suggests that this is one of seven submarines beached after a fight with convoy escorts, off Zeebrugge, on 1 January 1945. This part of the Belgian coast was liberated in October 1944 and, as a major Channel port, it was presumably being cleared by the Navy and would have had a headquarte­rs with staff from the Women’s Royal Naval Service. It had an important naval office.

The Seehund was a German secret weapon, and the recovery of an undamaged one was vitally important. It would have been salvaged almost immediatel­y, so the date’s probably within days of 1 January. Cameras could not be taken into action, but I’m sure the officers would argue that this wasn’t action.

Phil Tomaselli

 ??  ?? Pete’s mysterious photos have intrigued our expert Phil
Pete’s mysterious photos have intrigued our expert Phil

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