Windsor & Eton Express

‘Why are you here today?’



Concerns have been raised by residents after they were ‘stopped and challenged’ by police when driving on Tuesday for shopping and exercise.

Motorists crossing the border between Berkshire and Buckingham­shire as they drove across Maidenhead Bridge in the morning were given leaflets by police officers which said: ‘WHY ARE YOU HERE TODAY?’.

The leaflet said: “You should exercise no more than once daily. This should be by walking, running or cycling etc from your home address. You should not be driving to a location away from your home to carry this out.”

Government guidance issued following the lockdown announceme­nt on Monday says: “If you need to travel you should stay local, meaning avoiding travelling outside of your village, town or the part of a city where you live.”

It adds outdoor exercise should be ‘done locally wherever possible, but you can travel a short distance within your area to do so if necessary’, while shopping for goods and services ‘should be within your local area wherever possible’.

But the notice, which was then shared to hundreds on social media groups, led to confusion and anger as people debated whether they could drive five miles to shop at Tesco in Taplow or to a place to exercise.

Cllr David Cannon (Con, Datchet, Horton and Wraysbury) said he raised the issue with police following concerns on social media.

Cllr Cannon received a statement from Inspector

Tracey Croucher, who said it was an ‘individual officer who was just a bit keen’.

She added it was not an officer from Windsor and Maidenhead and it should not happen again.

She said: “TVP will continue with our consistent approach of engaging, explaining, encouragin­g and will enforce where there is a blatant breach of legislatio­n.

“We recognise the importance of working with our communitie­s in all areas of policing and we particular­ly value your continued support during this latest (and hopefully final) lockdown.”

See our website for more on this story.

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