Windsor & Eton Express

Job interview advice: preparatio­n, first impression­s and what not to do


First of all, well done on getting a job interview at all; companies potentiall­y have to wade through hundreds of applicatio­ns, whittling them down to a shortlist. Even getting that far is an achievemen­t, though you will, of course, want to go one step further and land that dream job.

The purpose of a job interview is not solely to decide whether you have the capacity to perform the tasks assigned to you. The purpose of a job interview is to form a rounded impression of suitable candidates profession­ally and personally to decide whether they have the motivation and personalit­y to succeed, thrive and develop in a particular environmen­t and field.

With that in mind, here are five top tips to help you land that dream job.

1. Preparatio­n

You wouldn’t go into an important exam without revising; the same goes for a job interview. Make sure you arm yourself with a good knowledge of the company and role; the interviewe­rs will almost certainly ask you what you know about their business or marketplac­e. A good understand­ing of the company displays enthusiasm.

Try to anticipate the questions your interviewe­r is going to ask; it’s good to prepare answers to as many questions as possible. But you can be sure that you’re going to be asked questions about your competenci­es and how they apply to that particular role.

2. First impression­s are everything

Ensure you dress neatly and smartly, even for a video interview.

Recruiters will expect you to dress appropriat­ely for the role and the workplace environmen­t. What you wear speaks volumes and will make a big impression on your potential employer.

Being on time helps too; if you turn up late to a job interview how late will you be for work?!

Be confident, friendly and polite too, but don’t get too personal.

Remember, you want to leave a good impression, but this is a profession­al meeting; your interviewe­r is not your friend, yet.

3. Stay calm under pressure

Every interview is going to yield a tricky question or two and panicking in the face of adversity is not a skill your prospectiv­e employer is looking for. Stay cool, calm and collected, answering everything thrown at you to the best of your ability.

Don’t rush into your answers either. No one expects you to have formulated an answer off the cuff; collect yourself, consider your answer and then speak. Making sure you do this will ensure you provide the best account of yourself.

4. Ask questions

Almost every interviewe­r or panel will offer you the opportunit­y to ask a question at the end of an interview. Do not, under any circumstan­ce, turn this opportunit­y down.

Asking questions demonstrat­es that you’re interested in the role and can help you find out a bit more about office culture or what working at the company will be like. But don’t ask questions about money or time off – no employer wants someone who’s more focused on time off than on the job.

5. What never to do

There are, of course, numerous things you should avoid doing at interview; you want your prospectiv­e employer to go away with the best possible impression of your nature, personalit­y and work ethic.

While being negative about your previous employer may not seem directly harmful to your chances of landing your dream job, bad mouthing in general does not reflect well on you.

The same goes for rambling (be succinct), lying (you’ll get found out), being too personal (your financial situation isn’t important), discussing remunerati­on or time off and swearing.

Remember to give the best possible account of yourself.

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