Windsor & Eton Express

Are you facing a property dispute with your neighbour, tenant, landlord, or family members?

- Kiddrapine­

Do you need legal advice on how to resolve a possession claim or a dispute about ownership of property?

If so, we advise seeking profession­al, independen­t advice from a profession­al early on.

Property disputes can be complex and stressful, especially if they involve your home or business. You may have to deal with issues such as boundary disputes, adverse possession, trespass, nuisance, leasehold disputes, rent arrears, eviction notices, or something else.

If you are a Landlord thinking about giving notice to your tenants, we would advise taking legal advice early on to ensure that the notices you serve are correct and can later be used to obtain a possession order. The rules that apply to section 21 notices can be complex and getting it wrong at the start is likely to mean months of wasted time later on.

Boundary disputes or trespass claims between neighbours can unfortunat­ely occur and again, early advice is essential to try and avoid the issues spiralling out of control. We can advise on the law as it applies to your situation and the process of obtaining a court order if required.

Finally, disputes between family members or former partners about the ownership of a property can be quite common. Often in these situations, there is little written down or other documents to show what the parties involved agreed at the outset of purchasing a property and the family relationsh­ips can make these disputes particular­ly acrimoniou­s.

At Kidd Rapinet, our property dispute solicitors will help you to understand your legal position, negotiate with the other party, and represent you in court if necessary. We can also advise you on the best course of action to take, depending on your situation and goals. Whether you want to settle the dispute amicably, enforce your rights, or seek compensati­on, we are here to help.

Our solicitors are experts in all types of property GLVSXWHV DQG RಀHU D IUHH

initial consultati­on, with a transparen­t fee structure to help you decide upon the best course of action for your situation.

For further informatio­n or to discuss a property dispute, please call our property dispute solicitors on 01753 709262 or visit

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