Wishaw Press

Last for family

Garrion Street, Overtown Fight for justice banner


“I wanted to make it clear they are good people.” Mrs Chhokar said she was glad her husband Darshan, who passed away in November, at least lived long enough to know that a new trial was in the offing under double jeopardy law changes.

“My husband died wanting peace and justice and he never saw it,” she added.

“He suffered so much through the whole process, crying to the last minute.”

Surrjit’s sister Manjit says justice for her brother has finally been achieved.

“We can’t be happy because we have lost a very dear member of my family,” she added. “But it will be at least justice done for my family.” Mrs Chhokar said that her son’s killer was racist and that they were jealous that Surjit had a white girlfriend.

She added: “He lived on his own, they knew who we were, we had a shop in Law, they thought we had money. “Colour had everything to do with what happened. “I believe he was killed because of the colour of his skin.

“They were boasting about having killed Chhokar in the street.

“It has been a long fight, but I think our campaign has changed the way families like us will be treated forever.”

Speaking to the Wishaw Press, Chhokar’s family solicitor Aamer Anwar, who campaigned tirelessly for justice on the case for 18 years for no fee, said that all three men Ronnie Coulter, Andrew Coulter and David Montgomery were to blame for his death that chilling night in Overtown.

“Those three men should never have peace to their dying day for what they did,” he added. “They ripped the heart out of a family. “This was their chance to set the record straight but still they were self-serving and selfish the way they gave their evidence.”

Mr Anwar praised the bravely of witnesses who spoke out and made justice possible.

“The family are so grateful to the people of Wishaw and Lanarkshir­e for supporting them,” he added.

“I want to thank those witnesses who spoke out, particular­ly Amelia Clark who saw Ronnie Coulter put the weapon in his jacket.

“They were the key witnesses who made it possible to bring justice on Ronnie Coulter. “Now the family can move on.” Wishaw and Motherwell MSP Clare Adamson said; “It is a terrible tragedy for any family to lose a loved one in this way.

“The grief of the Chhokar family has been made all the more difficult to bear by the length of time they have had to wait for justice.

“I hope that they will now find the peace that they so much deserve.”

 ??  ?? Happier times Surjit Singh Chhokar Murder scene Campaign
Happier times Surjit Singh Chhokar Murder scene Campaign

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