Wishaw Press

Murder threat

Man, 22, in stand-off with police officers


Alan Richardson appeared at Hamilton Sheriff Court for sentencing having already pleaded guilty to behaving in a threatenin­g manner at the house in Wishaw’s Claredon Road on May 10 by shouting, swearing, taking possession of knives, repeatedly making threats and preventing Lynn Wyllie who resided there from leaving.

The 22-year-old also admitted wilfully damaging property belonging to another by damaging a television and coffee table.

At a previous hearing, the court heard that Richardson and Ms Wyllie had been in a relationsh­ip for seven months at the time of the incident.

On the evening in question, at about 7pm, they were together in the house.

Both were consuming alcohol and during the course of the evening the couple began to argue.

Richardson then smashed a TV and a glass table within the house.

Ms Wyllie contacted the police whilst in a separate room.

She told the police she wanted Richardson removed from the house and police attended at about 20 past midnight.

They could hear a man, later confirmed to be Richardson, shouting and swearing and a woman crying asking for a key to open the door.

The police tried to engage with Richardson but he kept the door closed.

Observatio­ns took place through a window and despite numerous requests Richardson would not open the door.

He was advised if he didn’t officers would have to force it open.

Richardson was then heard shouting “You put that door in and I am going to snap her”.

Richardson also said: “If that door goes in I am going to murder you and her”.

The police could then hear items of furniture being placed against the door and they saw that Richardson was in possession of three knives.

This continued for about an hour with Richardson shouting and making threats throughout.

Ms Wyllie could be heard crying hysterical­ly.

The police called for assistance from firearms officers who attended.

When Richardson became aware of the armed officers it appeared to have an effect on him.

Negotiatio­ns were entered into and Richardson agreed to open the door and he was then arrested.

Police entered and found Ms Wyllie visibly shaken.

Richardson’s solicitor said that on that night the accused had mixed a number of prescripti­on drugs with alcohol and substance misuse was a major fact behind his offending.

The solicitor added that the incident blew up out of “absolutely nothing”.

In court last week, Richardson, whose address was given in court papers as HMP Edinburgh, was sentenced to six months in prison for the attack.

He was admonished on the charge of damaging property at the house.

 ?? 020816clar­endon_01 ?? Violent attack At house in Claredon Road, Wishaw
020816clar­endon_01 Violent attack At house in Claredon Road, Wishaw

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