Wishaw Press

Time to tackle bullies

Woman fears for grandchild’s safety

- Ross Thomson

A woman has told how her grandchild is living in fear of bullies after being threatened with violence if she returned to her school.

Now calls have been made to police and education chiefs to tackle bullying at schools in Coltness.

And it comes only weeks after the Wishaw Press reported how the family of disabled boy Peter Convery was viciously attacked by another pupil at St Aidan’s High.

The 12-year-old was forced to move school after he was kicked and stamped on by a classmate.

The fresh plea to tackle bullying has been made by members of Coltness Community Council after a number of worrying incidents concerning pupils at both Coltness and St Aidan’s High Schools.

In one such incident, a woman told a community council member that her grandchild’s safety would be compromise­d if she ever went back to Coltness High.

Speaking at the meeting, chairman John Carr said: “The kids who are being bullied are put out and end up going to other schools while the ones who are doing the bullying are still there.

“It seems to be a badge of honour for these people.

“The problem needs to be addressed and quickly.

“Teachers and headteache­rs are pretty toothless; they can’t do anything.”

One community councillor, who asked not to be named, confirmed her son had been the victim of bullying at Coltness High.

She added: “You are banging your head against a brick wall at times.

“When you go to the school you don’t seem to get anywhere.”

Members of the community council then agreed to draft a letter to education bosses and police about the problem.

The community council has passed on a number of incidents to MSP Clare Adamson.

She said: “I was shocked and extremely saddened to hear about these worrying incidents.

“I absolutely abhor bullying and I hope the council’s education department and police can work together to eradicate this problem.

“The community council should be commended for their proactive approach to this issue and I look forward to hearing the outcome of their meeting with the council.”

 ??  ?? Flashback Our front page in November told the story of bullying victim Peter Convery
Flashback Our front page in November told the story of bullying victim Peter Convery

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