Wishaw Press

Family fears over changes at school Cutbacks may leave no trained staff to deal with Ryan

- Lynn Love

The family of a teenage disabled boy have accused council leader Jim Logue of‘skirting’over questions about his schooling.

Fourteen- year- old Ryan Callaghan’s relatives have been desperatel­y trying to find out what impact the changes to staffing at his school, Mavisbank Primary, will have on his education and safety since the council announced plans to axe vital staff members .

The local authority plan to shed five members of staff – two instructor­s and three early learning practition­ers – from the Airdrie school, by August.

Ryan suffered a pre- natal brain malformati­on that has led to him living with cerebral palsy (GMFCS Level 5), learning disabiliti­es, cerebral visual impairment and symptomati­c focal epileptic seizures.

His family are worried the replacemen­t staff will not be trained to deal with Ryan’s complex medical conditions.

In a letter sent to Jim Logue, Ryan’s brother-in-law, Andrew McGowan wrote: “I feel that you skirted over many of the concerns and questions I raised with you in my letter.

“I asked 10 questions and asked for you to furnish me with a copy of the council’s plans for Mavisbank School in writing. “However, many questions were left unanswered, you did not provide me with the document I asked for and, despite calling three times since January 13, a representa­tive of the local authority’s education department is yet to call me back.

“I was left disappoint­ed with your reply and feel that you have not adequately addressed the questions and concerns that I have raised. “Therefore, I would appreciate it if you could furnish me with a written copy of your plans for removing staff from Mavisbank School as soon as you possibly can.”

After the changes were announced, parents of the pupils started the campaign “Support Mavisbank School – Stop the Cuts” and launched a petition that was signed by more than 1000 people within 24 hours.

Andrew added: “Pupils at Mavisbank School are not second class pupils – they deserve proper support at school. By removing the very people who know them best, who are equipped to attend to their medical needs and are trained to support their education, the local authority is destroying any joined- up thinking to pupil developmen­t. These plans must be scrapped.”

Council leader Jim Logue said “Senior education officers have met members of the Mavisbank Parent Council and staff on two occasions and provided them with all the informatio­n about the changes which are taking place. There is no plan to axe five staff but to appoint staff who have the appropriat­e qualificat­ion and experience. These staff will give Mavisbank pupils the best education and care service there is. “The same proposals are being rolled out to all of our ASN schools and it is significan­t to note that, to date, the only negative feedback has come from the Parent Council in Mavisbank.

“Once again I am confident that the proposals will significan­tly provide a better service to all pupils in Mavisbank.”

Pupils at Mavisbank School are not second class pupils - they deserve proper support at school

 ??  ?? Campaign Jean King with son Ryan
Campaign Jean King with son Ryan

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