Wishaw Press

Celebrate Scottish Apprentice Week

- Recruitmen­t

March 6 to 10 will see Scotland celebrate Scottish Apprentice Week 2017.

And it will see events and workshops taking place in workplaces and schools encouragin­g youngsters to sign up for apprentice­ships.

L a s t y e a r, hundreds of businesses across the country took part in Scottish Apprentice­ship Week with employers, apprentice­s, training providers, colleges, councils, schools and other partners all played their part.

Between them, they organised more than 200 events encouragin­g more employers to take on apprentice­s, and inspiring countless young people to think about apprentice­ships for their future.

And here are some of the special events employers can think about hosting during the week. Invite employers along to your business to find out more about apprentice­ships and start discussion­s about how they could benefit your industry or local area.

How? Host a business breakfast, with a talk from your own Modern Apprentice­s. Or how about a speed networking event or a question and answer session about apprentice­ships?

Why? As a business, this type of event lets you share best practice as well as forging connection­s with other local firms. In the past, employers have used similar events to discuss how apprentice­ships can help address issues like skills shortages in their industry. along your own apprentice­s to answer any questions about apprentice­ships.

Why? These kinds of events can bring apprentice­ships to life for young people - encouragin­g them to think of the work-based learning route when deciding what path their career will take. Companies who’ve hosted similar events have been able to spot potential recruits.

You could tailor an event to specific groups that are underrepre­sented in your industry. In 2016, City Building in Glasgow opened its doors to female pupils, people from Minority Ethnic communitie­s and care leavers during a special event during Scottish Apprentice­ship Week. A huge 90 per cent of attendees applied for an apprentice­ship afterwards.

What? Arrange a competitio­n or event for your own apprentice­s.

How? In previous years, different companies have run competitio­ns where apprentice­s have shared tagged photos or videos of themselves.

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